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Tuesday, August 16, 2016


There are times when we just don't have time to meditate and it has a negative effect on the mind due to the chaos and noise that surrounds us. Our mind becomes like a pinwheel; every thought becomes like a gust of wind spinning it faster and faster until we become overwhelmed by its constant motion. Yet, there is a simple way to connect to peace and it only takes a moment. When you are alone or in a safe place make the sound 'aum.' Aum is said to have four sounds: 

“A” emerges from the throat, originating in the region of the navel 
“U” rolls over the tongue
“M” ends on the lips. 
The last sound is silence.

It is in this silence we can rest and let the pinwheel stop for just a moment before returning to our day. Feel the vibration which surrounds you as you are able to rest in peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“A” emerges from the throat, originating in the region of the navel
“U” rolls over the tongue
“M” ends on the lips.
The last sound is silence.

Love this explanation of the AUM mantra.