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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Untitled Release 5/5/14 - Frederica’s Poem

I just want to hear you say
that you love me
I just want to hear the things
that I have told you
like 'thank you for you'
I want to hear them, Now.

and I know there is a reason I am
not hearing it
I entrap myself
think to myself 'I am not deserving'

Is the love that I put out
in the Universe
if I do not love
that which it came from?

If I do not love the self,
the vehicle body
my space for love
What can I project?

No wonder, I do not hear
No wonder, I cannot see
Perhaps these words have been spoken before
'You are beautiful'
But I could not hear them...

There is no one to judge.
There is no one there.
Just one, the Everything
little sparks of the big spark

Like how light travels
the argument between particles and waves
a particle-wave
they are the same

a spark of the main star
we explode again and again
until we die, only to birth more stars....

Friday, November 06, 2020

To Professor Azevedo

 You’d be incredibly happy today, my friend. I can see your smile now. Today, of all days, I would have loved to talk with you. 

Congratulations Joe Biden.

Money Has No Intelligence But Money

There's the idea that money is rational. Get the most for the least money. Buy high, sell low. Get the best paying job. Or, get the most pay for the work you like. But, if you look at the way we play money these days, money is uncoupled from meaning, love, and all that is divine in human life. Why? Because we have learned, as a culture, to put money first and all else below that. This is a prescription for corruption. National politics now suffers from the fact that "money has no intelligence but money" - basically, money wants to make more money. You invest in a candidate that will help you get more money. It does not matter who. It's the money that counts. This is stupid; and, now we have stupid politics. One man at early morning coffee table said, "We got better presidents when they were selected behind closed doors at political conventions - men such as FDR, Eisenhower and Kennedy." Now, winning means getting the most money behind you, and running ads to hypnotize the voters into the "best candidate that money can buy". 

In God We Trust

While the drive to obtain money increases production, it also robs the motto etched in every dollar and every cent, "In God We Trust." Do you remember that phrase or was it lost with the portraits of our presidents long ago? Think about a dollar bill. Don't look at one, close your eyes and try to see everything on it. Do you see where this motto is along with George Washington's face? Many can't. It seems that the value of our currency has nothing to do with where we place our trust. Maybe, it was supposed to be a play on words and its in money we trust. If thats the case then money is simply replacing the word God. Is a destitute family less trustworthy because they don't have as much 'God' in their house? Sadly, this seems the be the case in many individuals eyes'. Money has become our God and the vaults buried deep beneath our banks is where we now place our trust. Trust yourself. Follow your God. Only then will you see that the trust is in you.