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Friday, November 06, 2020

In God We Trust

While the drive to obtain money increases production, it also robs the motto etched in every dollar and every cent, "In God We Trust." Do you remember that phrase or was it lost with the portraits of our presidents long ago? Think about a dollar bill. Don't look at one, close your eyes and try to see everything on it. Do you see where this motto is along with George Washington's face? Many can't. It seems that the value of our currency has nothing to do with where we place our trust. Maybe, it was supposed to be a play on words and its in money we trust. If thats the case then money is simply replacing the word God. Is a destitute family less trustworthy because they don't have as much 'God' in their house? Sadly, this seems the be the case in many individuals eyes'. Money has become our God and the vaults buried deep beneath our banks is where we now place our trust. Trust yourself. Follow your God. Only then will you see that the trust is in you.

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