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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brilliant Discussions

During Kiva Time of Winter 2003, in the Oakland hills, I recorded my good friend Glenn Matson sharing a few thoughts on the Native American Indian practice of brilliant discussions. This practice has profound implications for dialogue in schools and businesses - and with friends.

LISTEN TO "Glenn Matson on Brilliant Discussions" (1397 kb; time 2:00)


Over Orion said...


stumbled on your blog via thoughtaudio.

I would like to hear this audio, but i can't download it :(
(ie page can't be found)

Also, have you ever read 'The power of now' by Eckhart Tolle.

Anyway if it's possible i'm interested in hearing this piece of audio.
(contact: wallstreetwalker-AT-gmail-DOTCOM)

Americ Azevedo said...

I'm having an IP problem with the server for the audio files at the moment. Fixed it this morning (we believe), but it may take a day or two to show up on the net!